Hiking The Gore Trail - Copper to Silverthorne Colorado

3 years ago

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I have been planning this speed hike for a few months now and it was well worth the effort and planning. Could I hike from Copper to Silverthorne Colorado in a day using the Gore trail in the Eagles Nest Wilderness and not have to bail out to Frisco early? Both Uneva and Eccles Passes are just shy of 12,000 feet! The trail is 20.4 miles point to point. It took me 8 and 1/2 hours total time including stops, with 4500 feet of climbing and 5400 feet of descending. It was a big day and I had an awesome time! My Strava time was 7 hours and 8 minutes and I averaged 3mph! There is something about hiking above tree-line that sets you into the moment like nothing else.

The Eagles Nest Wilderness area is strictly a hiking area and bikes are NOT allowed. I find that hiking is great for cross training and a great way to break up the riding schedule with other sometimes strenuous activities complimenting the sport.

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