World War 3 the Sixth Trumpet War of Revelation

4 years ago

Will the prophesied war in the Sixth Trumpet end up being WW3? Will it be war with China?

The Sixth Trumpet in the Revelation 6 warns us of a war that will kill a third of mankind.

That means that over 2 BILLION people will die in this war!

The Bible shows us that there will be an army of 200 million. China boasts the ability to field an army of that size today. They have 200 million men of military age.

With the wars in the Middle East, ISIS, Syria, Russian involvement, and China (the sleeping giant) who has stated it would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons against the United States if necessary; this war is very close to becoming a reality.

Don't forget, however, the Fifth Trumpet has almost certainly not sounded yet, so that will have to happen first!

And it's actually highly likely that none of the trumpets have sounded, so we're probably waiting for all of them at this time. If this is true, the Sixth Trumpet isn't as imminent as it might seem.

More info here on my web site:

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