Bottom of Amasa Back from Captain Ahab in Moab Utah

4 years ago

This is the bottom of the Amasa Back Jeep road from the Captain Ahab trail junction. The Amasa Back area is the closest mountain biking area from town and offers access to five MTB Trails.

Amasa Back Jeep road, also known as cliffhanger, used to be an access road used by Amasa Larson to get to his cows. It has since morphed into one of the greatest areas in Moab to ride. Amasa Back on it's own is a black diamond trail 3.8 miles long and climbs around 1400 feet to the top of the mesa overlooking the Colorado river. With an Average gradient of 10 percent, expect to climb for a few hours to the overlook.

The Amasa Back area is home to 6 Trails: Amasa Back, Captain Ahab, HyMasa, Jackson, Pothole Arch, and Rockstacker. All trails except for HyMasa and Pothole Arch are either black diamond or double black diamond trails.

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