The Rudy Giuliani WrapUp Smear. Joe Rogan & Alex John talk Borat & Hunter Biden Laptop.

4 years ago

So today we’re going over the Rudy Giuliani wrap up smear that was done by Sacha Baron Cohen while making his latest movie, the sequel to Borat. The media picked this up and amplified it, even though it is the fakest of fake news. Believe it or not but Joe Rogan had a good take on it, and while we’re there we’re going to talk about censorship. Finally we’ll go over the latest revelations around the Hunter Biden laptop. INCLUDING THAT HE WAS BUISNESS PARTNERS WITH THE CHINESE SPY CHIEF!

00:00 Introduction/Talk about the Maxwell Documents
06:50 Fox News Host Lisa Kennedy Vs. Giuliani.
10:34 HUNTER BIDEN PHONE CALL (Chinese Spy Chief)
12:20 Borat 2 is a political hit piece
17:30 Joe Rogan clears up the BS around Rudy and Borat
21:00 Censorship
23:37 Alex Jones on the chain of custody of HB laptop
Jones says Wray did nothing and white hats leaked it
to Rudy. Hmmm
26:35 Jones talks Biden’s daughter’s diary
29:30 Giuliani describes the photos on the laptop and how it compromised Hunter and his father.
30:00 For the rest of the video we go over the laptop by listening to some of Alex Jones confirming much of what we reported on earlier in the month. Cheers guys

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