Remote Work & Schooling Challenges!

3 years ago

No one seen this coming for sure! I have been working from home remotely since March with no definite date as till when I will go back to the brick and mortar. Kids have been home schooling for just as long and boredem is starting to settle in. Don't get me wrong initially the thought was totally exciting, that was before computer started lagging due to overload of Internet usage in our area. Oh, don't forget the major distractions of kids yelling in the background of call, or the customer advising you that you need to replace your 9 volt battery in your smoke detector that is constantly beeping 🙄🤣. Let's not forget about the good food that I have been stuffing my fat girl face with as the kids make wonderful breakfasts as I sit at my kitchen table with drool running out of my mouth 🤤. I realize that schooling has been a struggle for the kids to remain seated without running to the bathroom, kitchen, getting distracted by their cellphones ringing, or toy's in their room that they would love to show the class. This is our 2020 y'all who would have thought.......

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