My Trail Trike...HAND-CRANK savior

4 years ago

When I could no longer safely walk across the kitchen at work--because of pain associated with a medical condition--and had to quit,....I hobbled down to the bike shop to find a three-wheeler.

These were ALL way too expensive!! So I found this on sale in a corner and had my gut tell me they really wanted to get of it, as this is not they're sort of niche. So I low-balled them. They countered. I countered. One new basket later, I was out the door at a price I could afford...and still have cash for groceries. AWESOME.

BUT MORE awesome is the fact that this absolute "God-send" alloed my lameness to not cost me my trails. My greatest love lately is walking the trails. It's my Peace. And I did not have to give it up.

As a matter of fact, these things are SO damn fun, I've been having the Time Of My Life!! This thing GOzrS PLACES!!

Love Ya',
--Stanley "Steamer"

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