Stéphane Ravier Stuns French Parliament: "Your Immigration Policy Has A Price In Blood"

4 years ago

Read full RAIR Foundation USA report here:

“Do we have the right to remain French in a French France?”

Stéphane Ravier, a Senator in Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (National Rally), delivered an impassioned speech calling out left-wing lawmakers’ unregulated illegal immigration that’s “allowing the death of the identity of French people”.

In Ravier’s uncompromising speech, on Wednesday, October 9th in the Senate gallery, he fiercely condemned the Political class promoters of the “new French people” comprised of, illegal, dangerous and economic Islamic migrants. He cited statistics showing that very few illegal migrants ever find employment, and instead are taken care of by French taxpayers.

The numbers are eloquent: in 2016 only 7% of foreigners who settled down in our country have had a contract to be hired for a job. Immigration is no longer and hasn’t been for a long time already— a labor migration, but a migration of a populace with welfare recipients. For our countrymen the bill is exorbitant! (CONTINUE READING:

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