Upcycling Old Door Knobs and Drawer Pulls//Trash to Treasure//DIY Rustic Farmhouse Projects

4 years ago

Today's video is all about UPCYCLING! We're going to show you four different projects you can do using left over drawer pulls and door knobs that you might have laying around the house. If you make one of these projects, we'd love to see! Please tag us on Facebook & Instagram!

JB Weld --https://amazon.com/dp/B00RN7CT2U/ref%3Dcm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_JBGHFbG0F8BJD&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1602710606286000&usg=AFQjCNEQoOMhwKkxypZjYEeo7ZKv0v6rGA

Also... if you don't have any old door knobs or drawer pulls laying around, but you'd still like to try these projects, check out DLawless Hardware! We LOVE their products and use their pulls on most of our furniture. https://www.dlawlesshardware.com/

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