Eagles Nest Wilderness - Hiking loop over Buffalo Mountain from Frisco Colorado

4 years ago

Access to the South Eastern trails of the Eaglesnest Wilderness can be found in Silverthorne and Frisco Colorado. Just off the east bound roundabout of HWY 9 and I70 in Frisco. Follow the dirt road right before the east bound on ramp to the end where the Lilly Pad Lake Trail starts.

With 13.72 miles with 4400 feet of elevation, this loop is full of world class views above tree line and reaches an elevation around 12700 feet. The gore range, it's jagged peaks, lush flowery meadows and lakes make this area one of the best in the area to explore.

For this route you will start at the LillyPad Lakes Trailhead hike to Lilly Pad Lakes and then on to the Buffalo Cabin Trail, Up to the Buffalo Mountain Trail and then climb around 2,000 feet to the top of Buffalo mountain. Once at the top of Buffalo Mountain you will need to carefully work your way to the south west side along the ridge, stay on the Southeast side which is easier. When you reach the South East side of Buffalo Mountain you will want to look to the north east. This is a good place to descend down to the ridge line heading over to Eccles Pass and the Gore Trail. Follow the Ridge line the whole way to Eccles Pass and the gore trail. Take the Gore trail left and to the south to the Meadow Creek Trail and take the Meadow Creek Trail back to the parking lot and the car.

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