The Oath keeper

4 years ago

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This video was produced for a mandatory passing grade ~ 2005 ~ Don't be a hater
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I made this video as a mandatory grade @ the Art Institute for Producing and directing film. After the video was finished my professor, retired U.S. Marine, He told me that it was best if I find something else to do with my life other than the media / entertainment because the liberals, he said DemonRats actually, would not ever allow anything a conservative produces to be seen outside of the studio. Since then I have been banned from Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, at least temporarily many times. The prerequisite for the production was; At least 5 actors, from another country that I did not know, a family member, a person from the U.S. not related, one that would be paid as an actor that has acted before and one, animation, that was paid for through a copyright company, Pond5. It had to be based from a current event "I went with Benghazi", it also needed to be somewhat religious and be able to have a part II if needed. It took about 16 months.

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