1 Peter 2, Respect of persons or racism will soon be outlawed!

4 years ago

1 Peter 2. Mankind has had either God or man rule over him morally speaking. A good example is Adam and Eve in the garden, when they chose to obey the subjective truth of men they were cast out of the garden and under the rule of men. For 6,000 years most of humanity has been ruled over, morally speaking, by men who did not have the ability to guide their own path Jer. 10:23. Though spiritually ignorant leaders are the cause of human suffering, it is not a sin for ignorant men to lead other men (They were allowed to lead but they could not do as they wished.) because we have been in ignorance of the Perfect Law of Liberty which condemns it Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30. We were not Christians as the Lord was waiting for the second age of Christianity when the world was populated by billions. We were still His people and believers and righteous. The USA has had the greatest success among all nations with spiritually ignorant leaders because of the Constitution and its checks and balances, indeed the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were among the first steps to ready the world for the freedom that comes with the Perfect Law of Liberty. When the second age of Christianity returns, we must realize that we are poor in spirit and obey the gospel of the Kingdom Matt. 4:23; 5;3. Then we must contend for the faith and restore the Perfect Law of Liberty objective truth from God 1 Cor. 13:9-12. The reason we must contend for the faith is that we need time to humble ourselves and grow spiritually as none of us would be ready for the Kingdom if Christ returned unannounced. Spiritual warfare is between the wisdom of men and the wisdom of God and now those who understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven can understand the Bible, because the Bible is written to Christians, instructing them to no longer do what we did in the past by being a respecter of persons. You might find it surprisingly simple!

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