So Joe Biden says he’ll do better at COVID 19, really?

3 years ago

I don’t know about ya’ll but I’ve been following the nation’s response to the Chinese virus since before it started, when we were first getting reports of Wuhan that something was up. I remember when the President established the COVID 19 task force in January and was assailed by Democrats and their media acolytes as being alarmist. I remember at the end of January when Mr. Trump went against Dr Tony Fauci’s advice and shut down travel from China sparking calls from people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi that he was a racist xenophobe and encouraging people to go to Chinatown celebrations around the country, including places like New York City which has the most horrendous death and sickness rates. I remember when the shutdown started to slow the spread for 15 days and now in many states, we’re over 200 days and their economies are not recovering well, even though President Trump published a phased reopening plan so each state could get back in business safely. Here is Louisiana our Democrat Governor is following that plan and while I believe we should go ahead and get out of phase 3 to fully reopen, he’s been praised by and has praised the Trump Administration including the President.

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