Motorkote MK-30301-6 All Purpose Lubricant Spray, Friction Fighter

4 years ago

Motorkote MK-30301-6 All Purpose Lubricant Spray, Friction Fighter


Directions: Use in auto, truck, farm, industrial, mining, marine, large/small engines and machines; around the home, on the job, farm and garage; works in hundreds of mechanical applications
Reduces friction and heat helps keep edges sharper for longer periods or time on knives, scissors, drill bits and other sharp edge tools delivers a smooth operation on mechanical mobbing parts
A great oil replacement for gun oil, shop lubricant, cutting oils, intricate mechanism lubricant and general all purpose lubricant oils such and 3 in 1 oil; it also provides a great moisture barrier
The perfect replacement for your current choice of spray lubricant works in extreme heat (+350°F) and cold (-80°F) lubricates hard to reach areas keeps moving part from sticking, squeaking or rubbing
Should not be used in any brake systems or added to brake products inhibits moisture buildup, rust and corrosion can be used in place of some fine cutting oils lasts longer and stays where you put it

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