Adorable Sausage Dog Demands All The Attention

4 years ago

Winston the Sausage Dog (Dachshund) Demands All my Attention!

Winston is like my shadow and when I am not paying him attention he will do everything he can think of to get it!

On this day I was trying to help my kids with something on the computer and Winston came up the stairs to reach my eye level & stuck his head through the spindles to get my attention. Well it worked but Everytime I stopped stroking him, he would very cutely paw my hand demanding for me to carry on! He is 8 years old but acts like Such a baby!

Winston is mainly Dachshund but with part Jack russell in him, he is very effectionate & Super Loving, he wants to be with someone all the time. He loves to sleep alot but loves a walk & a play too!

Despite their size, Dachshunds are known for their courageous nature and will take on animals much larger than themselves. Some may be aggressive toward strangers and other dogs.

As family dogs, Dachshunds are loyal companions and good watchdogs. They are good with children if treated well. They can be slightly difficult to train.

Some Dachshund fanciers say there are personality differences among the different varieties of the breed. For instance, the long-coat Dachshund is reportedly calmer than the smooth-coat variety, and the wire-coat Dachshund is more outgoing and clown-like.

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