Ambidextral Gunfighter Montage with More Katz & Bulls

4 years ago

Every clip has a purpose in this Ambidextral Gunfighter Run 'n Gun montage.

Ambidextrous optimized use of cover.
Misuse of cover
Balance for diving
One handed to deal with obstacles
Left and right transitions
Paintball Roots - Bunkering
One handed to handle baseball slide
Tunnel vision
Snap Shooting From Cover
Gun flat for diving into cover
Respiratory Pause
Diving into cover
Rice Paddy prone, squatting
Balance for one handed rifle
Respiratory pause, reset
Muzzle flash in low light
Thumbs Forward on Micro
Both eyes open
Bullpup Transition
For the r-Selected Karens
Hip and Extended Point Shooting
Ride the 45-70 Recoil
Balance for one hand climbing
Balance for climbing a ladder.
Data on Personal Equipment
Optic vs bore axis
Left hand, sub-compact
Behind Every Blade of Grass
RDB Bolt Release
Hostage Drill
Aiming Thru Cover
Balance for one handed rifle drag
Backpack Carbine
Left hand point to right hand sighted
AQT left and right
Free range Vicki
Respiratory Pause
Gun up thru cover
Ergo bolt release
Left Hand Hip to Extended Point Shooting
AK Tech Sights
AR mag change
Wyoming, lower cortisol levels
MDR bolt release ergos
MDR rapid fire
AR mag change (beep is MDR time)
Airsoft for backyard ambi point shooting
Paintball airfield ambidextrous lessons
Ambidextral Gunfighter Proving Grounds
Offhand Squared Up
AQT sitting stage
Music by Imperial Age

Firearms in order of appearance:
KelTec RDB
Desert Tech MDR
KelTec P17
Springfield Armory Hellcat
Mossberg MC1sc
Marlin Guide Gun
KelTec SU16c
Arsenal AK47 with Tech Sights

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