Dan bongino follow the money the shocking deep state connections

4 years ago

Dan bongino follow the money the shocking deep state connections of the anti-trump cabal hardcover
You can purchased https://amzn.to/36UjvnP

As seen on The Ben Shapiro Show!

Follow the Money exposes the labyrinth of connections between D.C.’s slimiest swamp creatures—Democrat operatives lying informants desperate and destructive FBI agents Obama power brokers CIA renegade John Brennan George Soros and more—who conspired to attack Trump by manufacturing one bogus scandal after another.

Bestselling author podcast favorite and Fox News contributor Dan Bongino delivers the third and most shocking of his acclaimed series chronicling the Deep State war against Donald Trump. Starting with the Trump impeachment hearings Bongino works forward and backward to piece together the connections of a vast well-funded cabal of wealthy Democrats and D.C. swamp elite to the non-stop deluge of manufactured scandals launched specifically to attack destabilize and ultimately remove Trump and his administration.
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