4 years ago

Donald Trump has done more for African American and Latino voters than any president in my lifetime. Yet, Democrats are using the ‘RACE CARD’ against him nearly every day, in everything they say. Donald J. Trump has sought out amazing ways to help those who were imprisoned and left without hope or options in their lives, due to Joe Biden’s vicious and racist anti-Crime bill, of the 1990’s.

President Trump has given amazing examples of his determination to better the lives of those who were impacted by Joe Biden’s and the Democrat-Socialist Party’s racist agenda. From prison reform to seeking to help inner-city opportunity zones, for which he has worked closely, with Tim Scott, an African-American Republican Senator from South Carolina, President Trump has demonstrated that he is determined to end the barriers and limits on Black Americans that Democrat politicians, like Joe Biden, enforced for decades.

Joe Biden calls America’s very compassionate President, Donald J. Trump, a racist every day. However, when Biden’s record is brought to light, which this expose will accomplish, it is abundantly clear that, throughout his 47-year long political career, Joe Biden worked with, befriended and allied himself with, literally, some of America’s most infamous, outspoken and worst racists and segregationists in American history.

What Joe Biden offers you, America. Here is your answer:

- Biden wants to end the 60-vote requirement

- Signed onto Bernie sander’s 110-page radical Socialist Agenda to make America a Socialist nation.

- Biden wants to Pack the Supreme Court and refuses to say so openly

- End the Electoral College

- End the Filibuster

Biden constantly accuses President Donald J. Trump of being a racist, after Biden wrote, shaped and passed the worst, most racist and deadliest anti-crime bill that unfairly imprisoned hundreds of thousands of young black men, with no hope.

Joe Biden’s ‘Anti-Black’ crime bill specifically targeted young black American men, with the goal that was stated publicly, by Joe Biden, himself: to “Cordoned them (Young American Black men) off, from the rest of society.”

Joe Biden tries to portray himself as some kind of messiah, for minorities. Yet Biden reveals himself as the devil, himself, when we look into his past and learn that he worked with his fellow segregationist allies, such as James Eastland, Strom Thurmond, and Robert Byrd, to zero in on black men, while calling them ‘Predators’ and later called ‘Super Predators’ by Hillary Clinton.

The Democrat-Socialists and Joe Biden specifically call President Trump a racist so often because they know that the president is a grave threat to their decades-long voting coalition.

Through Donald J. Trump’s policies, doors and opportunities have opened to blacks that the Democrat-Socialists had locked shut to minorities, in the past.

Democrat-Socialists, and their nominees, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, know they have no policies that really work or that create a fairer and equitable world for African Americans and other marginalized minorities.

The charge of racism is the last stronghold of political cutthroats. They have no policies or desire to raise the standard of living for African Americans. They do not care about making minority neighborhoods safer or more prosperous.

Democrat-Socialists know that President Donald J. Trump is a powerful threat to them. Trump is the one force that can prevent them from foisting their anti-democratic agenda upon us all.

America – Now you know – America – What will you do?

Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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