Skyrim SE Mods: Ballistic Weave of Skyrim.

4 years ago

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So Tinker Tom started messing around with the Molecular Signal Interceptor one day in the Commonwealth, and experimented trying to send a Railroad Agent to the other side of Boston. Needless to say it was a failure. All that was left was a pile of smoking goo that when examined was only human remains. His armored clothing was now where to be found.
Sometime later in a galaxy far, far away called Tamriel a hunter found a lump of strange ore near the City of Riften. He took it to the Blacksmith Balimund. Balimund deduced that this ore was made of almost entirely of wool fibers. With the help of the Jarl's Court Wizard, Balimund developed a process to duplicate this material, and found he could weave it into the making of clothes. Thus he added armor protection to normal clothes.
Balimund began selling the material to weavers of clothing and to other blacksmiths, and it soon became a staple item of all Blacksmiths in Skyrim.
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