Marvels Avengers Review | A Slow Start

4 years ago

You wouldn’t think that a triple-A adaptation of the Avengers property would be vying to be one of the most controversial games of the year - but throughout the development of Marvel’s Avengers, Crystal Dynamics have seemed  pretty keen to prove that it could be.
Since its announcement in 2017, insults have been flung at the game over its character designs looking like cheap MCU knock-offs, or the much more egregious choice by Square Enix to capitalise on the games-as-a-service trend.
Like many gamers viewing the situation from the outside, I must admit, I didn't exactly have high hopes for Marvel's Avengers. 
Though after donning the capes of it’s multiple heroes myself, I was pleasantly surprised with the final release, even if there are multiple issues that need rectifying if it’s going to survive.

You can read Cody's full review of Marvel's Avengers here.

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