Enjoy your stay...

4 years ago

Hail, Travelers, and welcome to my new channel. I've been a little dead concerning having anything to do with uploading on here, but that's hopefully about to change soon.
Here, I will be posting numerous videos and audio such as,

*Faun (hooves) walking cycles. (Much thanks and credit to ChaosCostumes for the hooves btw.)

*In costume performances; scenes featuring brief encounters with characters.

*Props (Maybe not tutorials perse, but progressive updates on them.)

*Convention videos (shenanigans and whatnot)

*Random book chapter readings, ranging from fantasy novels, to poems and short fables.

*And perhaps even small game play snippets. (AKA: you'll probably get a chance encounter of me raging out on a game. *snicker*)

Please subscribe~!

****NOTICE: This channel will NOT be featuring explicit sexual or violent content or themes!!
I'm not responsible if anything on here makes you uncomfortable.****

Mask made by: MostlyMade on DeviantArt and Etsy.
Hand painted by me.

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