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Under ground military bases
ARIZONA 1. Arizona (Mountains) (not on map) Function: Genetic work. Multiple levels 2. Fort Huachuca, Arizona (also reported detainment camp) Function: NSA Facility 2. Luke Air Force Base 3. Page, Arizona Tunnels to: Area 51, Nevada Dulce base, New Mexico 4. Sedona, Arizona (also reported detainment camp) Notes: Located under the Enchantment Resort in Boynton Canyon. There have been many reports by people in recent years of “increased military presence and activity” in the area.5. Wikieup, Arizona Tunnels to: Area 51 6. Yucca (Mtns.), Arizona
CALIFORNIA 1: 29 Palms, California Tunnels to: Chocolate Mts., Fort Irwin, California (possibly one more site due west a few miles) 2: Benicia, California 3. Catalina Island, California Tunnels to: I was told by someone who worked at the Port Hueneme Naval Weapons Division Base in Oxnard that they have heard and it is ‘common rumor’ that there is a tunnel from the base to this Island, and also to Edwards Air Force Base, possibly utilizing old mines. . 4. China Lake Naval Weapons Testing Center 5. Chocolate Mountains, California Tunnels to: Fort Irwin, California 6. Death Valley,California Function: The entrance to the Death Valley Tunnel is in the Panamint Mountains down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass, in the bottom of an abandoned mine shaft. The bottom of the shaft opens into an extensive tunnel system 7. Deep Springs, California Tunnels to: Death Valley, Mercury, NV, Salt Lake City 8. Edwards AFB, California Function: Aircraft Development – antigravity research and vehicle development Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Catalina Island Fort Irwin, California Vandenburg AFB, California Notes: Delta Hanger – North Base, Edwards AFB, Ca. Haystack Buttte – Edwards, AFB, Ca. 9. Fort Irwin, California (also reported detainment camp) Tunnels to: 29 Palms, California Area 51, Nevada Edwards AFB. California Mt. Shasta, California 10. Helendale, California Function: Special Aircraft Facility Helendale has an extensive railway/shipping system through it from the Union Pacific days which runs in from Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Los Angeles and Chicago 11. Lancaster, California Function: New Aircraft design, anti-gravity engineering, Stealth craft and testing Levels: 42 Tunnels To: Edwards A.F.B., Palmdale 12. Lawrence-Livermore International Labs, California The lab has a Human Genome Mapping project on chromosome #19 and a newly built $1.2 billion laser facility 13. Moreno Valley, California Function unknown 14. Mt. Lassen, California Tunnels to: Probably connects to the Mt. Shasta main tunnel. 15. Mt. Shasta. Function: Genetic experiments, magnetic advance, space and beam weaponry. Levels: 5 Tunnels to: Ft. Irwin, California North 16. Napa, California Functions: Direct Satellite Communications, Laser Communications. Continuation of Government site. Levels: Multi-level Tunnels to: Unknown Notes: Located on Oakville Grade, Napa County, Ca. 87 Acres 17. Needles, California Function unknown 18. Palmdale, California Function: New Aircraft Design, anit-gravity research 19. Tehachapi Facility (Northrop, California – Tejon Ranch Function: Levels: 42 Tunnels to: Edwards, Llona and other local areas Notes: 25 miles NW of Lancaster California, in the Tehachapi mountains. 20. Ukiah, California Function unknown
COLORADO 1. Near Boulder, Co. in the mountains Function unknown 2. Cheyenne Mountain -Norad -Colorado Springs, Colorado Function: Early Warning systems – missile defense systems – Space tracking Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Function: Early warning systems, military strategy, satellite operations Levels: Multiple NORAD is a massive self-sustaining ‘city’ built inside the mountain Tunnels to: Creede, Denver, Dulce Base, Kinsley. 3. Creede, Colorado Function unknown Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado – Delta, Colorado – Dulce Base, New Mexico 4. Delta, Colorado Function unknown Tunnels to: Creede Salt Lake, Utah 5. Denver International Airport (also a detainment camp) Function: Military research, construction, detainment camp facilities Levels: 7 reported Tunnels to: Denver proper, Colorado and Rocky Mountain “safehousing”, Colorado Springs, Colorado (Cheyenne Mtn.)
6. Falcon Air Force Base, Falcon, Colorado Function: SDI, Satellite Control Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, possibly more. 7. Fort Collins, Colorado Function: Suspect high precision equipment manufacturing for space. 8. Grand Mesa, Colorado Function unknown 9. Gore Range Near Lake, west of Denver, Co. Function: Library and Central Data Bank 10. San Juan Valley, Colorado Hidden beneath and in an operating Buffalo Ranch Function unknown 11. Telluride, Colorado Function unknown 12. University of Denver, Co (Boulder area) Function: Genetics, geology/mining as related to tunneling and underground construction. 13. Warden Valley West of Fort Collins, CO Function Unknown Tunnels to: Montana
GEORGIA Dobbins Air Force Base, Marrietta GA Function: test site for plasma and antigravity air craft, experimental crafts and weapons
INDIANA Kokomo, Indiana Function Unknown Notes: for years people in that area have reported a “hum” that has been so constant that some have been forced to move and it has made many others sick. It seems to come from underground, and “research” has turned up nothing although it was suggested by someone that massive underground tunneling and excavating is going on, using naturally occurring caverns, to make an underground containment and storage facility.
KANSAS 1. Hutchinson, Kansas Function unknown Tunnels to: Kinsley, Nebraska. Note: I recieved this report concerning this base: “I can vouch for the underground base in Hutchinson, Ks. The entrance to the tunnel is underneath Hutchinson Hospital and is huge. I was walking down that tunnel when I was a kid and at the end of this tunnel is a rock face wall with a 90 degree turn to the right. I stopped and refused to go any further down the tunnel, my instincts told me to stop. I distinctly remember hearing screams coming from there. These were not just cries for help, but more like blood curtailing horrifying screams like someone had just been murdered. I really want to know what was and probably still is going on down there. You are free to report the story, but please keep my name anonymous.” 2. Kansas City, Kansas Function unknown Notes: Entrance near Worlds of Fun 3. Kinsley, Kansas Function unknown Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado; Hutchinson, Kansas; Tulsa Kokoweef Peak, SW California Notes: Gold stored in huge cavern, blasted shut. Known as the “midway city” because it’s located halfway between New York and San Francisco.
MARYLAND Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland (from Don) Martins AFB, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
MASSACHUSETTS Maynard MA, FEMA regional center. Wackenhut is here too.
MONTANA Bozeman, Mont. Function: Genetics
NEVADA Area 51 – Groom Lake – Dreamland – Nellis Air Force Base Area 51 was said to exist only in our imaginations until Russian satellite photos were leaked to US sources and it’s amazing how you can get photos all over of it now, even posters. They’ve been busy little bees building this base up. Function: Stealth and cloaking Aircraft research & development. ‘Dreamland (Data Repository Establishment and Maintenance Land) Elmint (Electromagnetic Intelligence), Biological weapons research and genetic manipulation/warfare storage, Cold Empire, EVA, Program HIS (Hybrid Intelligence System),BW/CW; IRIS (Infrared Intruder Systems), Security: Above ground cameras, underground pressure sensors, ground and air patrol 2. Blue Diamond, Nevada Function unknown 3. Fallon Air Force Base area (the flats, near Reno) “American City” restricted military sites southwest of Fallon 4. Mercury, Nevada Function unknown 5. Tonopah, Nevada Function unknown 69: San Gabriel (mountains) On Western side of Mojave Desert Function unknown Notes: Heavy vibrations coming from under the forest floor which sounds like geared machinery. These vibrations and sounds are the same as heard in Kokomo, Indiana and are suspected underground building/tunneling operations.
NEW MEXICO 1. Albuquerque, New Mexico (AFB) Function unknown Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Carlsbad, New Mexico Los Alamos, New Mexico Possible connections to Datil, and other points. 2. Carlsbad, New Mexico Functions: Underground Nuclear Testing Tunnels to: Fort Stockton, Texas. Roswell 3. Cordova, New Mexico Function unknown 4. Datil, New Mexico Function unknown Tunnels to: Dulce Base
5: Dulce Base, New Mexico. Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado Creed, Colorado Datil, N.M. Los Alamos. Page, Arizona Sandia Base Taos, NM
6. Los Alamos, New Mexico Functions: Psychotronic Research, Psychotronic Weapons Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: ALB AFB, New Mexico Dulce, New Mexico Connections to Datil,Taos 7. Sandia Base, New Mexico Functions: Research in Electrical/magnetic Phenomena Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Dulce Base Notes: Related Projects are studied at Sandia Base by ‘The Jason Group’ (of 55 Scientists). They have secretly harnessed the ‘Dark Side of Technology’ and hidden the beneficial technology from the public. 8. Sunspot, NM Function unknown 9. Taos, New Mexico Function unknown Tunnels to: Dulce, New Mexico; Cog, Colorado Notes: Several other sidelines to area where Uranium is mined or processed. 10. White Sands, NM Function: Missile testing/design Levels: Seven known
NEW HAMPSHIRE There may be as many as three underground installations in New Hampshire’s hills, according to reports.
NEW YORK New York, New York Function unknown Tunnels to: Capitol Building, D.C.
OHIO Wright-Patterson Air Force Base – Dayton, Ohio Function: Air Force Repository. Rumored to house stealth technology and prototype craft
OREGON 1. Cave Junction, Oregon Function: Suspected Underground UFO Base Levels: At least one Notes: Suspected location is in or near Hope Mountain. Near Applegate Lake, Oregon, just over into California. Multiple shafts, access areas to over 1500 feet depth. Built using abandoned mine with over 36 known miles of tunnels, shafts. 2. Crater Lake, Oregon Tunnels: possible to Cave Junction 3. Klamath Falls, Oregon 4. Wimer, Oregon (Ashland Mt. area) Function: Underground Chemical Storage Levels: At least one
PENNSYLVANIA Raven Rock, Pa (near Ligonier) Function: working back up underground Pentagon – sister site of Mt. Weather Notes: 650′ below summit, 4 entrances.
TEXAS 1. Calvert, Texas Function unknown 2. Fort Hood, Texas (also reported detainment camp) Levels: Multiple 3. Fort Stockton, Texas Function: Unknown Tunnels to: Carlsbad, New Mexico UTAH 1. Dugway, Utah Function: Chemical Storage, Radiation storage. 2. Salt Lake City Mormon Caverns Function: Religions archives storage. Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Delta, Colorado & Riverton, Wyoming
VIRGINIA Mount Poney – Near Culpepper, Virginia Function unknown
WASHINGTON 1. Mt. Rainier, Washington Function unknown. Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Unknown Yakima Indian Reservation Function unknown Notes: Southeast of Tacoma Washington, on the Reservation, in an area 40 by 70 miles. Unusual sounds from underground (Toppenish Ridge). Low flying Silver Cigar shaped craft seen to disappear into the Middle fork area of Toppenish creek.
Washington DC: The Function: Part of a massive underground relocation system to house select government and military personnel in the event of cataclysmic event. Tunnels to: New York City; Mt. Weather.
WEST VIRGINIA: Greenbrier Facility, White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort.
WYOMING: Riverton, Wyoming Function unknown Tunnels to: Salt Lake, Utah Denver, Colorado.
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