Stupid Things Liberals Say and Actually Believe

4 years ago

Here are a bunch of stupid things liberals say and really and truly believe. The mainstream media has so polluted their minds that the only thing they can do anymore is just repeat the cliched talking points CNN, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times, WaPo and other propaganda outlets tell them to say.

Liberals don't know how to even be rational anymore. They just repeat mindless drivel they read on Twitter or have heard from one of the spin machines listed above. Some of these are actual quotes from acquaintances and or former friends I've had, but unfortunately they became too toxic to be around any longer.

Liberals minds have been poisoned by a constant diet of Trump hating filth from the media, and they are simply too stupid to realize it. No amount of facts, logic, reasoning, pleading, or even encouraging them to do their own research will overcome their ignorance. Their minds are set and they only want to hear soft, soothing confirmations of the delusion already infecting their brains. They have truly lost their ability to even process information in a rational manner any longer.

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