Bringing the Music Back to Wisconsin Schools

4 years ago

Milwaukee Music Programs have been scaled back or cut off for many reasons. This leaves a child unfortunately left under served developmentally in vital cognitive, creative and auditory skills. It is very common for inner city schools to have no music program what so ever. In order to serve the whole child, these skills are critical for decision making, emotional support and intellectual creativity. Music In Me is a 12 week music education program developed by The KIDS From Wisconsin. This would in turn expand the KIDS From Wisconsin into a year round program and not just the summer touring the state. “KIDS” identified a team of educators and performers from their own alumni and staff who have met over the course of a few months to develop this program. They have spent over 2040 hours of collaborative meetings and countless innovative ideas with the purpose resolved around one common goal. EVERY child deserves to be introduced to the world of music. The new program "Music in Me" is based on the Wisconsin Music Educators Association Standards and will fill the gap by incorporating vocal, instrumental and movement principles. We spoke to Michael D Sander, the Executive Director of KIDS FROM WISCONSIN, to talk about the new program and why it is important for children to have access to music classes.

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