In Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Erdogan eyes Turkey's "place in world order"

4 years ago

In Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Erdogan eyes Turkey's "place in world order"

President Tayyip Erdogan’s strong backing for Azerbaijan in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh has set Turkey apart from other big nations and alarmed NATO allies that are demanding a ceasefire.

The president has described Ankara’s support for Azerbaijan as part of Turkey’s quest for its “deserved place in the world order.”

He sees an opportunity to alter the status quo over Nagorno-Karabakh - in which France, the United States and Russia have for decades led international mediation efforts and ethnic Armenians have retained control of the enclave even though it is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan.

A decades-long dispute over territory in the southern Caucasus has led to open hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia this past week.

Azerbaijan's second-largest city, Ganja, came under attack Sunday, with government officials saying Armenia had launched missiles into residential areas. Armenia has denied the charges; the leader of the territory at the center of the dispute said his forces were responsible for the attack.

Azerbaijani officials said one civilian was killed in the attack, and 32 more were injured.



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