Romã ( Punica granatum ) serve para problemas cardiovasculares e dor de garganta

4 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is used for cardiovascular problems and sore throat

Pomegranate is a fruit widely used as a medicinal plant, and its active and functional ingredient is ellagic acid, which acts as a powerful antioxidant associated with the prevention of Alzheimer's, reducing pressure and as an anti-inflammatory to decrease sore throat for example. Pomegranate is a sweet fruit that can be eaten fresh or used to make juices, teas, salads and yogurts, also helping with weight loss diets.

Its scientific name is Punica granatum, and its main health properties are:

Prevent cancer.
Prevent Alzheimer's.
Prevent anemia.
Fights diarrhea.
Improve skin health.
Prevent heart disease.
Prevent cavities, thrush and gingivitis.
Strengthen the immune system.
Reduce blood pressure.
Prevent throat infections.

To have the benefits of pomegranate, you can consume both fresh fruit and its juice, and it is also very important to consume tea made from its peel, which is the part of the fruit that is richest in antioxidants.

Side effects of excessive consumption:

The consumption of pomegranate in large quantities can cause problems such as nausea and vomiting due to its high content of alkaloids, which can make it toxic.
However, when infusions are made, this danger does not exist because the alkaloids are added to other substances called tannins, which are extracted in tea and which remove the toxicity of the pomegranate.

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