US COVID19 DEATHS: 265,000 vs 300,000( Dec. 1, 2020.)

4 years ago

NPR/Washington Uni 300,000 by Dec. 1, 2020
USA Today/Washington Uni 410,000 by Jan 1-31, 2021.

(1) US is currently averaging 961 Covid19 deaths per day. (New York Times data).

(2) In order to reach 300,000 by Dec. 1, 2020 we need to average 1,549 Covid19 deaths per day.

(3) In order to reach 410,000 Covid19 death by Jan. 1, 2020 have to average 2,238 per day. (4) In order to reach 410,000 by Jan. 31, 2020 we need to average 1678 death per day...

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