Mojo Vision’s Smart Contact Lens & Other Debate Thoughts, Plus Gov Wolf Talks Masks on a Hot Mic

4 years ago

After watching ole black eyes during the debate I could only think of one article I had read around the beginning of the year. It’s about the first “smart contact lens system.” Interestingly when I found it and read it again, the app they use is a speech reading app called “speech” that they say “eliminates the need for teleprompters.” Haha I was like I just did an hour video on teleprompters. Now, I’m not saying this article is in any way related to my comments on the debate, but my comments on the debate come directly after we go over that article. Then, I’m going to play for you Governor Wolf and Rep Wendy Ullman on a hot mic calling wearing their masks for the camera “political theater.” This is treasonous IMO. These people have shut down the state of PA, for what they call, political theater. Shame.

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