4 years ago

t is past time to tell the truth and to reveal the real Democrat Party to the American people, from which, many millions of voters are either now walking away or who are seriously contemplating doing so. In reality, the Democrat Party has never been the political party of the people. In fact, the real history of the Democrat Party easily reveals that Democrat Party was and still is a cabal of social elitists that enslaved a whole race of innocent people, in the past, and is currently a political party that promises a Marxist future of equal poverty for all Americans that will enslave a whole nation.

Democrats are currently waging a social and political war against the US Constitution and the American free republic, through the slavery of Socialist-welfare programs. They know that the ultimate result of Democrats’ current ideas and platform will leave all Americans, from every race creed or ethnicity as vassals of entitlement programs that will rob the wealth, liberty, creativity, and futures of both rich and poor Americans. Democrats know that their programs will leave the whole of America enslaved to un-entitled benefits that were earned and funded by others and distributed to those who did nothing to merit receiving it.

This is why the Democrat Party is the Anti-US Constitution party. They know that there is no legal or political way their Socialist ideas can become law if the US Constitution remains the law of the land. Therefore, Democrats know that they have to relegate the constitution to the status of a relic in order to confiscate our guns, destroy our religious liberty and make us all totally dependent on the dystopian system that the Democrats envision for us all.

Did you know that the Democrat Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U S history?

Of course, as we know from history, it ultimately required a bloody civil war to end the diabolical system of savage human slavery in America. The War Between the States that divided brothers, sisters and parents was started and fought by the Democrats, when they unsuccessfully withdrew from our national union. The US President who fought to end slavery, and who thankfully won freedom for the slaves, was the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.

Even at the end of the Civil War, President Lincoln, a Republican, had to fight, against the whole of the Democrat Party, to get the Thirteenth Amendment passed, which ended the evil institution of slavery, so the measure could be sent to the states, where it was forthwith ratified. Again, it was the Democrats that fought to keep America's malicious and immoral institution of human enslavement intact and in force.

Six days after the civil war ended, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, by John Wilkes Booth, who was a Democrat, who wanted to keep slavery alive and in force in the United States. After President Lincoln's assassination, his vice president, Andrew Johnson became president and vehemently opposed integrating former black slaves into the society that now declared them free. President Andrew Johnson was a Democrat.

The Democrat Party completely opposed to the 13th amendment, in 1865, that abolished slavery, the 14th Amendment, in 1866 that gave blacks citizenship, and the 15th Amendment that gave former slaves the right to vote. All of these amendments, to secure freedom for former black slaves, were passed only because of Republican support and demands for the rights of former slaves. After these amendments were passed, hundreds of former black slaves were elected to Southern State Legislatures, as Republicans, and up to 22 black Republicans were elected to congress, by 1900. There was not one black Democrat elected to the congress until as late as 1935.

The stakes in the upcoming election could not be higher. Republicans and Democrats have two very different directions that they want to take America, and America-loving people need to heed the dire warning of what the final outcome of the 2020 election will bode for future growth and prosperity or total ruin and destruction on the American constitutional republic. For Socialism, the Bastard Step-Child of Marxism, to take control of the nation, it must impoverish us all and make us totally dependent on the leviathan government.

We need to tell the truth, regardless of the ridicule, in spite of the onslaught of insults and even in the face of threats. There is no other way to awaken the nation that risks that Democrat Socialists pose on the very existence of the American Constitutional Republic. To fail to do so will undoubtedly cast the nation on the Democrat-Socialist ash-heap of history.

- Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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