Military Heroes Expose the Truth About The Atlantic's Claims Against President Trump

4 years ago

An article written by the editor in chief of The Atlantic magazine cited unnamed sources who said President Trump referred to American Marines who died in World War I as "losers" and "suckers." Trump called the story a "total lie."

But no one knows the truth about President Trump's love for the United States military better than those that have fought for our freedom and under his leadership as Commander in Chief.

On September 10th, I hosted a Conservative Business Journal Podcast Show honoring the heroes of 9/11 and featuring Military Heroes that were guest on my audio podcast including...

→ Mark "Oz" Geist: Benghazi Hero and Co-Author of "13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi"

→ Justin Sheffield: Ret. Navy SEAL, President of All Eagles Oscar, and Author of "The Gospel of War: A SEAL Team Six Operator's Battles in the Fight for Good Over Evil"

→ Char Westfall: Author of “A Beautiful Tragedy: A Navy SEAL Widow's Permission to Grieve and a Prescription for Hope”

→ Clint Lorance: Fmr Army Infantry Officer Pardoned by President Trump and Author of “Stolen Honor: Falsely Accused, Imprisoned, and My Long Road to Freedom”

→ Lt. Steven Rogers: 21-Year Veteran of the United States Navy Reserve, Military Intel Officer (Ret.) and Author of “Governing the Affairs of the People”

→ Kevin White: 30-Year Veteran of the United States Air Force and Author of “Growing Up White: An Oreo’s Guide to Fitting In”

→ Pressley Stutts: Ret. Navy Chaplain Attached to the Marine Corps 22 Years of His 30 Years of Service, and Chairman of the Greenville, South Carolina TEA Party

I asked each of these guests about The Atlantic article and if they believed that President Trump called fallen military heroes despicable names.

Watch their reactions and listen to their answers in this short video.

Watch the entire Conservative Business Journal Podcast Show featuring these Military Heroes here -

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