4 years ago

The Transition Integrity Project

Insurrection plans by Democrat-Socialists:

The traitors, which make up the Transition Integrity Project, include current and past government and campaign leaders, academics types, liberal journalists, polling experts and former federal and state government officials. This traitorous group of domestic enemies that was formed in late 2019, supposedly, out of concern about potential disruptions to 2020 United States presidential election and transition, by the RNC.

In reality, it is the purpose of the Transition Integrity Project to create artificial and planned disruption to unleash enough chaos to convince the American public that the violence is caused by Donald J. Trump, who remained in office illegally, even though he won legitimately.

The tactics that are planned by these domestic enemy combatants are the same schemes that are used by dictatorial regimes, throughout the world. Though every member of the Transition Integrity Project decries the politics of Vladimir Putin, what these domestic terrorists are planning and preparing for can be found in Putin’s playbook. The only way to stop what is currently being planned and, which is well underway, is to arrest them all and charge them with sedition.

There is a bit of shock that hits one, when we learn who makes up this militant organization. It is not surprising that the Transition Integrity Project is made up of academics, such as Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown and former Pentagon senior official, who convened the treasonous group, and Nils Gilman, a former vice chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley and historian at the Berggruen Institute.
What does summon pause is that the most powerful members of the Transition Integrity Project are former chair of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, Bill Clinton’s former Chief of Staff, John Podesta, former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, former Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson, and former Democratic National Committee Acting Chair, and fake moderate Democrat, Donna Brazile, who is also now a talking head on Fox News.

There are also other very important journalists, on the Transition Integrity Project, who are determined to defy the US Constitution, in the name of the preservation of democracy. Such well-known people as neocon journalist, commentator and Never-Trumper, William Kristol, the Financial Times' Washington Bureau Chief Edward Luce, American author, consultant, editorialist, lecturer, and military historian Max Boot and Canadian-American political commentator, and former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, David Frum.

In the summer of 2020, the Transition Integrity Project conducted a series of war-gaming exercises, for the purpose of carrying out their coup d’état, after the 2020 election. The scenario examined by Transition Integrity Project included four different scenarios of the election outcome, which were called ‘War Games’. The very dangerous and treasonous point is that, for each other four ‘War Games’, regardless of whether President Trump won or lost, he is driven from office.

1. Possible scenarios of the outcome of election
a. Trump loses and leaves office
b. Trump wins clearly and is still out of office
c. Trump wins like 2016 wins the Electoral College
d. Loses popular vote and is forced from office.

The plan, by the Transition Integrity Project, is to cause the general American public to blame the president, for the chaos caused, actually by those carrying out the illegal and unconstitutional ouster of the legitimately-elected President of the United States and to overthrow of the will of the American people.

Don’t be fooled. Though the U.S. Constitution clearly lays out that the U.S. President is the person, who is in charge of the executive branch of the U.S. Government, in the mind of the Deep State, it is they who control and run the government. This presents a very logical reason why an elderly and senility-laden candidate, like Joe Biden was chosen to represent the Democrat-Socialist Party.

If President Trump is successful and is re-elected, Democrat-Socialists are already preparing for an all-out actual revolution. The foundation for an insurrection is even now being laid, right in front of the American people’s eyes. With the social, political and racial insanity of 2020, Democrat-Socialists are publicly talking about a political coup d’état. They hope that because of all the rioting, the pandemic lockdowns and the utter division, throughout the nation, we have not seen the treason being perpetrated right in front of us.

Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD


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