The Trump Curse is REAL folks!!

4 years ago

The Trump Curse is REAL

I am beginning to believe that the Trump curse is not just a meme but a reality. It stems from the fact that Trump was clearly anointed by God to be the president of the USA. His rise to power was foretold by at least two prophets that I know of…. And there are probably others. When God has anointed a man to be a leader of a country there comes along with it a certain type of protection. Psalm 105:15 says “Do not touch my Anointed ones”… 1 Chronicles 16:21 adds to it saying ..”He allows no man to oppress or exploit them, and he reproved and punished kings for their sakes…”. Make no mistake Trump is God’s anointed one for the USA whether you like it or not.

My attention was drawn to the Trump curse when a friend of mind was diagnosed with a GIST tumour of the stomach…. Within the month prior to the diagnosis he had been extolling all the bad things about Trump and talking trash about him. ….the usual stuff: he’s a womaniser, a liar…etc, etc…. Despite reminding him of all the pro-Christian and pro-life policies Trump has enacted he refused to acknowledge anything good about Trump. Do I know for sure that this friend of mind succumbed from the Trump Curse…. I don’t … but it is a well recognised trend. And I personally am going to be very careful what I saw about Trump. Even David would not touch King Saul; because Saul had been anointed by God to rule Israel…. He refused to touch God’s anointed one.

There are a few we’ll known examples:
Colin Kaepernick (the footballer who would always kneel for the anthem) talked trash about Trump…. And then lost his job.

Meaghan Markle: The famous royal who talks trash about Trump - not only voluntarily stopped being a royal, then lost security assistance from Canada… … after she said she would never come back to America while Trump was in charge…. Now she has to return with her tail in between her legs

You’re seeing a non exhaustive list of Trump bashers being fired, gone bankrupt, got sick, died or humiliated…. Remember Michael Aventi, Stormy Daniels, Megan Kelly … the list is endless.

Mark Taylor, the famous firefighter prophet; said this about Trump. He was not called he was chosen.

As a reminder Mark Taylor prophesied that Trump would become president in 2011. This is his rendition of part of that prophecy from an interview in April 2016, 9 months before Trump’s election. It is so accurate and extremely eerie…

Make no mistake God chose Trump for such a time as this.,..

Given that the Trump Curse is REAL; my advice is don’t bet against him. He is likely to win because God is on his side. Of course if he clearly turns away from God he will lose that annointing…. But that ain’t happening anytime soon.

I’ll end with another prophetic word from Mark (January 2018). He says: The spirit of God says “Why are those that call themselves my people praying against my President? Why are you praying against my agenda for America? Repent! You pray against my agenda, therefore you are not for me but against me.”

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