BLM sits at campfire, with jacket potatoes, whilst singing happy camping songs.

4 years ago

Sorry that's Not True.

The real story is Violent BLM Marxists set fire to the Justice hall in Louisville.

Let me just say this.
If you're one of those who supports BLM or ANTIFA, Both, then You are supporting "Domestic Terrorism". These movements violently attack people, Loot (small businesses, because you never hear of BLM/ANTIFA looting Amazon or Apple, do you?), Vandalize, Arson, Extortion, even Murder. These groups Terrorize innocent good people solely for "Political Gain".

They don't give a shit about black people, if they did, they would appreciate all the amazing things President Trump (Not the Democrats, they've made black people's lives much worse. Think about it, they've been in power for decades in these run-down states) President Trump has helped minorities so much, just check out his achievements. Like Trump says, "I've done more in 47 months, than Biden has in 47 years".

BLM and ANTIFA are bad people. See what these groups are doing and ask yourself: Am I bad people?

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