How Bible is Put Together

4 years ago

From June:History of the World in a Year by the Conservative Voice
About 40 different people have contributed to writing the Bible. The oldest book is Job, going back to 1600 BC. The newest book is Revelation, which is about 65 AD and pre dates the destruction of the Herodian temple at Jerusalem.The Bible is divided into the old and new testament. The old testament is written mainly in Hebrew or a little in Aramaic and the new testament is entirely written in Greek. The work is inspired by God and offers revelation of God, even in English translated forms. It is consistent with archaeological history.

God gradually revealed himself to man, according to the old testament. A promised land was given to his chosen people, divided into twelve tribes. For a time, scriptures were lost, then rediscovered. And the people were removed from their land and scattered throughout the world. Even Japanese people have ancestry from Israeli peoples and aspects of Shinto resemble ancient Jewish traditions. God trained his people and it is telling that of the three known inheritable characteristics, Jewish peoples are high on all three of irritability (not much needed to motivate them), work (large amount of work once motivated) and emotive expression.

God is active today and is involved with the world. It isn't his kingdom. He wants all peoples to be with him. Many are. Many aren't. He offers salvation for all. He blesses all. All have free choice to know him. Without him, there is no choice, and there is no hope for a future. He loves you. He offers you salvation.

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