4 years ago

The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) is a George Soros initiated and funded bipartisan group of anti-Trumpers or Never-Trumpers. Their goal is not to defeat Trump honestly. Over 100 treacherous and treasonous are prepared to destroy the constitution in order to ensure that President Trump is removed, from office, whether he wins or loses, on election day.

It is obvious that those who are seeking to remove our duly elected president, Donald J. Trump, are blinded by their hatred, for our president, their fear of losing political power and, their arrogance and disdain for the will of the American people.

The Transition Integrity Project has repeated their relentless lies, about President Trump, for so long, that many of them have actually made themselves believe what they knew, before, was false propaganda. Though they who are part of the Transition Integrity Project have even stooped as low as calling President Trump a dictator, what those, who are detailed, in this expose, fail to grasp or even consider is that it is they who are engaging in Hitleresque tactics and are seeking to remove a fully democratically-elected President. It is the plans and insurrectionist steps of the Transition Integrity Project that are the actions of a dictator.

Indeed, these treasonous Democrats-Socialist, and Never-Trumpers, and their willing destruction exposed in this research, reveals that the traitors in the Transition Integrity Project have abandoned everything that distinguishes America and that makes us exceptional. The traitors underscored, in this paper, are naïve in that they do not understand that even Trump supporters would immediately turn on the president, if he clearly lost the election fairly and honestly, and really refused to leave and ruled by tyranny.

However, we the people, who support our president, have not forgotten and will not forget who has been lied about, and who was lying. They provoked an erroneously investigation, ridiculed and falsely accused an innocent and honorable president. That has shown us that the words of those, from the Deep State, cannot be trusted.

If, after all the voting is done, a clear winner is ambiguous and if it is clear that unfair tactics and practices, such as ballot harvesting, have been carried out, in the election, we the people will demand that President Trump not concede, until we have proof that a true and verifiable victor can be incontestably determined. Surely, Joe Biden would do the same, as well.

When the left lies about everything Trump, they actually strengthen Trump's support because we can see through all the blatant lies. The Deep State says they do everything to defend democracy. Then they invade nations, such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, the outcome of which, whether positive or negative, offers nothing for the American Republic, which Trump supporters demand be put first.

Deep State and Democrat-Socialist words and assurances ring hollow, when they move and lose our people and treasure, all in the name of advancing democracy, and then bomb millions of civilians and support rebels, who are far more radical and bloody than the regimes we participate in bringing down.

Since we know that the Deep State hates President Trump, at home, far more than they hate any of America’s real enemies abroad, why would any of us think that the president’s haters and traitors will ever change their playbook, when it comes to the president.

The goal of the insurrection taking place, all over the nation, is to remove Donald Trump from power, even if he wins the election on November 3, 2020. It must be stopped now!

Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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