The minister of health of the UAE received the first dose of the coronavirus

4 years ago

The Minister of Health and Prevention of the UAE, Abdul Rahman bin Muhammad Al Owais, received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine on Saturday, in line with the ministry’s plan that was announced last week, which includes providing the vaccine to specific groups from the first line of defense.

The Emirati Minister said: “We seek, by presenting this vaccine, to provide all safety measures for the champions of the first line of defense and to protect them from any dangers that they may face due to the nature of their work, stressing that it fully and completely complies with the regulations and laws that allow a faster review of licensing procedures, after the emergence of Positive results of clinical trials conducted by the health sector in the country.

The Minister of Health and Prevention of the UAE stated that "the vaccine is safe and effective and will contribute to reducing the losses caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and saving lives," according to the Emirates News Agency, "WAM".

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