What is thinking like a lawyer? How You can Learn This Skill In Law School.

4 years ago

https://www.bsmsphd.com 540 868 1708 In law school, when you ask the intellectual giants to define what thinking like a lawyer is you will be surprised at the answer. This lecture will discuss in detail how to think like a lawyer. It will answer the question what you need to be a lawyer and why adopting the M.A.D strategy in law school is vital to your future in the legal profession.

To get through law school and be a success in the legal profession you have to understand the end result. Sadly, law school does not deal in such realities. You have to take charge and learn this skill or you will fail miserably as an attorney.

The most vital requirement for thinking like a lawyer is to memorize the law, learn how to apply it and then dissertate the law to those around you. It is no coincidence that this is the very basis of the M.A.D study method.


If you adopt this strategy you will not only get A's in law school you will also be learning how to be a great attorney. Most students go through law school without a specific goal in mind other than to get good grades and graduate and this is a terrible mistake.

Even something as simple as someone telling you not to memorize the law (as most law professors tell you) simply shows how ignorant they are and how bad their advice is particularly if you know that being a good lawyer and practicing suasion on those around requires this vital element so you can become an authority figure and have them agree with you.

There are links in the video to get free information on how to become a great lawyer by using the M.A.D. method.

The average student who follows the advice in this lecture sees results in 1-2 days by following the advice given.

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