Malva ( Malva sylvestris ) serve para tratamento de infecções

4 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

Malva (Malva sylvestris) is used to treat infections

Mallow is a medicinal plant, also known as hollyhock, hollyhock, hollyhock, house hollyhock, hollyhock or fragrant rose, widely used to treat infections. Its scientific name is Malva sylvestris and can be purchased in health food stores, handling pharmacies and in some open markets and markets.

Mauve tea can be taken and is excellent for fighting constipation, releasing phlegm and fighting throat pain. Another way to take advantage of the properties of mallow flowers is by making a poultice with the crushed leaves and flowers, which can be applied to insect bites and wounds, because it has a healing action.

What are the benefits:

Malva has numerous health benefits, being great for relieving irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx, ulcers in the mouth and pharynx, inflammation of the airways and irritating and dry cough. In addition, this plant is also known to help treat gastritis if taken in the form of tea.

Its topical use is also used to treat insect bites, inflammatory eczemas and wounds with or without pus production.

The mallow's properties include its laxative, diuretic, emollient and expectorant action.

What is the mallow used for:

Malva can be ingested in tea form, for the treatment of infections, constipation, thrush, bronchitis, phlegm, sore throat, hoarseness, pharyngitis, gastritis, eye irritation, bad breath, cough and ulcer or in poultice with crushed leaves and flowers to treat insect bites, wounds, abscesses or boils.

Possible side effects and contraindications:

The main side effect of mallow is intoxication, when used in large doses. In addition, mallow tea is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Malva can also compromise the absorption of other medications that contain mucilages and, therefore, there should be an interval of at least 1 hour between ingesting Malva tea and taking other medications.

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