Great Dane puppy is very excited to find an avocado pit to play with

4 years ago

Raven is a gigantic eleven month old Great Dane who is still very much a puppy. She spends a lot of her day napping, like most Great Danes, but she wakes up with energy to spare and tears around the yard with the zoomies in between naps.
Raven has just arrived at the family cottage on a remote island. She has been let loose and she has discovered a way to get into the compost pile. She quickly found an avocado pit and she has decided that it is her new toy. But her owners are well aware that avocado pits can upset a dog's stomach so they would like to get it back from her. The problem is that Raven is one of those puppies who will run away with anything that her owners want. This is the age old game of "chase me and try to get it. They pretend that they are not very eager, hoping that Raven will either get distracted and drop it, or else they can get close enough to grab her collar.
Raven knows their tricks and she jumps and throws the pit, picking it up and running just out of reach. She is having a great time and she loves being chased. Raven has also recently discovered that she is as fast a small horse. She gallops around the cottage and through the trees with incredible speed.

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