IPÊ ROXO ( Tabebuia impetiginosa ) serve para alergia e anemia

4 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

IPÊ PURPLE (Tabebuia avellanedae) serves for allergy and anemia

Kinetic name: Tabebuia avellanedae - Ipê Roxo;

• Part used: New branches;

• Chemical composition: Saponins, resins, quinones (lapachol, alpha-lapachol, beta-lapachone), naphthoquinones (xyloidone, tabebuine, anthraquinone), vitamins, terpenic derivatives;

• Classic actions and indications: Used in gastritis, ulcers, liver disease, diarrhea, dysentery, irritable bowel syndrome, syphilis, vaginal candidiasis, cervicitis, leukorrhea, dysmenorrhea, anti-inflammatory in rheumatisms, asthma and respiratory allergies, chronic eczemas, psoriasis, warts, atherosclerosis preventive, anticoagulant, cystitis, hoarseness for hoarseness, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and throat clearing, lupus erythematosus, diabetes, immunodeficiencies and allergies, antifungal, detoxifying and antitumor action advocated by some and discarded by others;

• Interactions: Increases the effect of anticoagulants;

• Side effects: It should not be used during pregnancy, as it is teratogenic. High dosages can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, clotting problems, anemia and kidney and liver damage;

• Properties: Refreshing, spicy, bitter;

Against energetic indications: For moving the Blood, it should be used with caution in patients with suspected internal wind or blood deficiency

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