Guaraná ( Paullinia cupana ) serve para impotência sexual e cansaço físico e mental

4 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

Guarana (Paullinia cupana) serves for sexual impotence and physical and mental tiredness

Guarana is a medicinal plant from the Sapindánceas family, also known as Uaraná, Guanazeiro, Guaranauva, or Guaranaína, very common in the Amazon region and the African continent. This plant is widely used in the manufacture of soft drinks, juices and energy drinks, but it is also widely used as a home remedy for lack of energy, excessive tiredness and lack of appetite.

The scientific name of the best-known guarana species is Paullinia cupana, and the seeds of this plant are dark and have a red bark, having a very characteristic aspect that is compared to the human eye.

For medicinal use, guarana seeds are usually roasted and dried, and can be purchased in their natural or powdered form at health food stores, drugstores, open markets and some markets.

What is it for:

Guarana is a plant widely used to help treat headaches, depression, physical and mental tiredness, diarrhea, muscle pain, stress, sexual impotence, stomach pain and constipation due to its medicinal properties such as:


Guarana can also be used to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, migraines, colic and helps in weight reduction, as it increases fat metabolism. This plant has some properties similar to green tea, mainly because it is rich in catechins, which are antioxidant substances.

Main side effects:

Guarana is a medicinal plant that normally does not cause side effects, however, if consumed in excess it can cause an increase in heart rate, leading to the sensation of palpitation, agitation and tremors.

Some substances present in guarana, called methylxanthines, can also cause irritation in the stomach and increase the volume of urine. The caffeine contained in guarana, can worsen the symptoms of anxiety and can cause insomnia, so use at night is not recommended.

What are the contraindications:

The use of guarana is contraindicated for pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, children and people with high blood pressure, kidney disease, hyperfunction of the pituitary gland, gastritis, coagulation disorders, hyperthyroidism or with psychological disorders, such as anxiety or panic.

It should also not be used by people with epilepsy or cerebral dysrhythmia, as guarana increases brain activity, and in people with a history of allergy to guarana, as its use can cause shortness of breath and skin lesions.

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