Breathe - Linda Montgomery

4 years ago

Instrumental Piano Worship featuring Linda Montgomery. Copyright © 2018 by Passion for Purpose Ministries. Recorded at Zoe Studios LLC, Broken Arrow, OK. Cover by Reza Shayestehpour.

Breathe/Marie Barnett. Copyright © 1995 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing (ASCAP) Admin. in North America by Music Services o/b/o Vineyard Music USA. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

First and foremost, I give all thanks and praise to my Lord, Jesus Christ, who saved me from all darkness and gave me eternal life. Since then, my heart and my soul have burned with passion to serve Him through the pulpit, the pen, and the piano. I am so grateful for the gifts he has blessed me with to be His voice in a dying world. It is my deepest prayer that these songs will touch your heart in a way to experience God's presence and glory in the midst of a chaotic world. Thank you for listening. For the Kingdom - Linda

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