Eufrásia ( Euphrasia officinalis ) serve para conjuntivite, rinite e sinusite

4 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

Euphrasia (Euphrasia officinalis) is used for conjunctivitis, rhinitis and sinusitis

Euphrasia is a medicinal plant, also known as Solace-of-sight, widely used to treat respiratory problems, such as rhinitis or sinusitis.

Its scientific name is Euphrasia officinalis and can be purchased at health food stores, handling pharmacies and some street markets.

What is euphrasia for:

Euphrasia is used to help in the treatment of cramps, tiredness, wounds, lack of appetite, conjunctivitis, digestion, headache, herpes, respiratory infections, insomnia, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.

Euphrasia properties:

The properties of euphrasia include its astringent, analgesic, anesthetic, antiallergic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, healing, digestive and expectorant action.

Euphrasia contraindications:

Euphrasia is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

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