The explorer cat falls into the trap of gravity

4 years ago

Yes, there is a lot of evidence for “Albert Einstein's theory of relativity” that comes up over and over again, but you won't see anything more beautiful and validated than this “laughing cat” 1 that the Great Hubble Telescope has. unveiled in February 2015, you see. Did this cat laugh at us? Will the world end soon ?!
Because of that innocent Hungarian cat? No, maybe because of the Trump administration's policies towards global climate change, for example, but the Einstein cat here is just an optical illusion caused by the high gravity of a group of galaxies called SDSS J1038 + 4849, while the galaxies in the background appear as a circular ring.

To better understand this; Let's take a clear glass of water - or a convex lens - and look through it, we'll see the background objects completely distorted; Because the light emanating from it passes through the cut, it magnifies and distorts the images in its background, bu what does that have to do with cosmology?

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