I Lost 200lbs - And Became A Personal Trainer | BRAND NEW ME

4 years ago

AFTER turning 21 in a hospital bed, Christa Sierra decided to change her ways. Christa, of San Marcos, Texas, had struggled with her weight all her life and was diagnosed as diabetic as a teenager. At 21, she contracted MRSA and the hospital stay prompted her to change. Christa’s weight had ballooned to over 400lbs and she relied on a walker. Feeling stuck, she decided to focus on nutrition, and after building up the strength, started working out. Five months into her own journey, Christa, now 28, had inspired her mum Georgia, dad Jonny and brothers Austin and Jarred to join. Christa told Truly: “Together we weighed 1,550 pounds and we've lost 560 pounds combined.” Christa does boot camp sessions with her mum to keep up with their healthy lifestyles. Georgia, 51, said: “She has inspired me. I just look at her results, her outcome and I always say to myself, I'm going to get like that too.” In 2015, Christa qualified as a personal trainer and has been helping even more people on their loss journeys. The job helps keep Christa motivated. She said: “If I could choose any type of clientele, I'd want to work with the morbidly obese, the people that were in my shoes, that's where my heart's at.” Over the course of her weight loss, Christa has dropped 198lbs. She ran her first marathon in 2017 before turning her focus to weight training and has built up her physique. Christa said: “Fitness has become a huge part of my life and I absolutely love it because I feel like it saved me."

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