10 Tips to Naturally Regrow Your Hair

4 years ago

Losing your hair though, especially at an early age, can not only affect your physical health, but your mental health as well. Excessive hair loss can be a serious problem if not paid attention to.

#RegrowHair #HairGrowthTips #Bestie


Onion Juice: This might sound a bit weird, but using onion juice is a sure-fire method to boosting hair growth and promoting hair regrowth. Onion is rich in sulfur, which nourishes and regenerates your hair follicles. A recent study indicated that applying onion juice to your scalp can help your hair regrow.

Stress Reduction: High stress levels push a large number of hair follicles into a resting phase. Within a few months, the affected hair might fall out suddenly while you’re simply combing or washing. Severe stress can also cause the body's immune system to attack the hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

Coconut Milk: You’ve probably heard about coconut oil being good for hair but coconut milk is even better. It is completely natural and loaded with vitamins like niacin and folate which improve the circulation of blood in your scalp. Coconut milk also contains vitamin E as well as fats that help fight damage to your hair while deeply conditioning it.

Eggs: They can smell bad, I know. But eggs can do wonders for your hair regrowth since they’re packed with proteins, minerals, and B-complex vitamins that help curb hair loss and strengthen your roots.

Aloe Vera: There are numerous benefits of Aloe Vera for skin and body. However, you might not know that Aloe Vera also works to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. It contains proteolytic enzymes which naturally stimulate hair growth.

Amla: Indian Gooseberry or Amla is a tree native to India. It is known to contain essential fatty acids , which strengthen hair follicles, preventing them from breaking. It also contains potent antioxidants,which improve blood circulation around the scalp stimulating hair growth.

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