So you thought magpies were black and white?

4 years ago

Eurasian magpies are often believed to be black and white, however when the sun shines on their plumage, beautiful shimmering colours shine through.
Many people think of magpies as being black and white. Well first of all, there are Australian magpies and Eurasian magpies, and although they are both called magpies, they look quite different. This is a video of Eurasian magpies and their plumage looks amazing when the light falls on it. It shimmers in shades of blue and green and makes them look rather exotic. We have an adult and a fledgling in our Wildlife Oasis, being regular visitors. Showing off their gorgeous feathers as they bathe and drink and enjoy our wildlife oasis during the hot summer days in Berkshire, England, UK. Summer 2020.
Welcome to Our Wildlife Oasis where we have put up several cameras to get footage of our daily visitors. We leave out treats and water for them. Especially on hot days the water is very much appreciated by the wonderful British wildlife that comes into our garden to visit the wildlife pit-stop, the nut-hut, the birdfeeder or the bird-bath. We are lucky to have a big garden in Berkshire in England and we get to see many birds, grey squirrels, foxes and hedgehogs. We try not to feed them too much, sometimes leaving out a few days so they do not get dependent on us, at the end of the day, these are wild creatures and their survival depends on being resourceful and we do not want to give them a false sense of secure food source. The cameras record night and day and I pick the footage and edit it for the final cut

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