Gorilla youngster shows off his new favorite "toy"

4 years ago

Gorilla youngster Koundi got hold of some netting. Probably where the straw has been held in for their semi-outdoor enclosure. Now at the outdoor garden, he's running around with netting having some fun. He loves dragging it behind him, but unfortunately, it gets stuck on the plant.

Howletts Park And the sister park Port Lympne wildlife park are both run by the Aspinall Foundation. They are world leaders in breading gorillas, but what makes this special is that some gorillas get released back into the wild! The foundation has one million acres in the Congo and Gabon Africa where they have successfully reintroduced 50 gorillas and celebrated more than 20 births. The foundation has also returned 9 gorillas born in the two wildlife Parks Howlett and Port Lympne. In 2013 they introduced a whole family of gorillas back to Africa. Not only gorillas get reintroduced back to the wild in Africa. Rhinos are relocated to Tanzania, primates to Indonesia, European bison to Romania and Spain and clouded leopards to Cambodia. Just recently two cheetahs Saba & Nairo's moved by The Aspinall Foundation from the UK to a new life in the wilderness of their ancestral homeland of South Africa, the Ashia Cheetah Sanctuary to settle in and prepare for the wild!

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