hae about facts, events, things, ideas, and concepts

4 years ago

Although information must take some form of representation (i.e., turn into data) in order to be exchanged, information is primarily an interpretation (meaning) of such representation (ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010) [10]. Therefore, in a strict sense, information is different from data, although in an informal context, these two terms are very often used as synonyms.

Original "info" — information transmitted by people oral, written or other way (with signals, technical means etc.); since the mid-twentieth century, the term "information" has become a General scientific term that includes the exchange of information between people, man and machine, machine and machine; the exchange of signals in the animal and vegetable world; the transfer characteristics from cell to cell, from organism to organism (e.g., genetic information); one of the basic concepts of Cybernetics[11].


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