Cops commandeer kayak to rescue dog neck-deep in pond muck

4 years ago

Washington Township Police officers were called for a k9 in distress. Akela, a gray boxer/mastiff had gotten loose and found herself stuck neck deep in some mucky water in a local pond.

Officer John Kuligowski found a nearby kayak and with the help of Chief Thomas Cicerelle and Officer Dallas Overko, they were able to rescue Akela and bring her safely to shore.

Akela was in high spirits after her ordeal and even posed for a few quick pictures before being turned over to Animal Control Solutions.

Akela’s owners have still not been located. She was rescued in the area of Brass Castle Rd and Jonestown Rd. If anyone knows who Akela belongs to please have them contact Animal Control Solutions @ 908-722-1271 or Washington Township Police.

Video credit Washington Township Police Department

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