Beautiful dove makes a nest for her babies over family patio

4 years ago

Belize is a beautiful country in the north of Central America with sunshine and sand, ocean and coral reefs, and an incredible assortment of wildlife. Quiet Islands with vast biodiversity add to the ecological importance of this small, but significant country. Among the many species of terrestrial animals that make their home here, birds are plentiful and varied.

This little dove has found a sheltered area under the roof of an outdoor patio. The family that lives in this home is happy to share their space with this young mother. She built a nest, laid two eggs and cared for them like a devoted mother would. The eggs hatched and her little family has flourished. The cooing and squawking that can be heard as she feeds the fledglings are welcome sounds to Nito and his own family. They watch her come and go with delight. Nito decided to put a small camera on a pole so that he could check on the babies and get a little footage to show his kids. Carefully, he extended the camera up to the nest and recorded. A strange sight, the camera drew concerned stares from the babies. But all is well in the nest and the doves seem to be developing well.

This mother dove could not have picked a better spot. Nito is an animal lover in the extreme and he and his family will look after this mother and her young as best they can.

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